The Freedom FX static mattes and AniMattes ani-stills are located on disc 1.
blah indust2 foged horned2 mess doo porkpine
cool1 bloomin halfcrap sun1 squib lakefrst smokedge
haze splotch3 whoosh stretchd outside1 stretch swirl
cave pntknife box8m scratch2 splotch5 sunflare edged
art4 splotch2 box2m rock scratch1 splat1 bubbles
oil misty glass artsmoke spirit artsmok2 soft
indust5 psych indust1 indust3 melt waves2 blob1
blob cow porkchop drip slide drip2 flag
drops rain2......Use with the 'RAIN 1' graphic effect for added realism beamed puddle muck blur melt2
waves1 splat2 squished mass1 melt3 starfish swirl3
warped wave1 tear1 stuff wacked stuff2 wacked2
edged2 pixel sponge box9m blobr sun2 fallen

(c) copyright 1999-2010 Imagine Studios.